Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Journal Activity

This graph Represent the scores t of a long way of writing that I did in my journal. This numbers Represent an overall feeling about me. This feeling were categorized in four part: Spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. In the first eleven entries my scores were very low, but in the trajectory I can up my result. My average of feelings was seven. I think is a good result but I would like to have a better score. I think my feeling were inconsistent, but consistent in a little periods of time. In the first eleven scores, my overall feelings were four to seven and in the other entries were eight to twelve. I like this exercise because I can writing about how I felt in every day. All my thoughts were writing in that journal. Also compare how I felt week by week was very impressive. The graph show me that my life was inconsistent. Sometimes down and sometimes up. Every day we face different challenges but not every day we face them with the same attitude. In conclusion, this journal helped me to see the different standards of my feelings. It also helped to unburden myself. All my life, my thoughts, my decisions were written in that journal.

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