Monday, March 28, 2016

Tourist Day

Resultado de imagen para fajardo hotel inc
On March 28 I had the role of being a tourist in the town of Fajardo. I found the task of going to fajardo hotel INC. I had never been to the place, for this reason I missed to get, but google map then helped me find the right location. When I enter to the hotel parking lot I did not know if it was for visitors or were for employees. I was confused and no one was around to ask. I parked there and the family of my girlfriend got me. First the hotel staff greeted me and informed me that I had to pay ten dollars if I just use the pool and would not stay. After paying the money the staff took me to the pool area and I was there all day enjoying it. I could see that they had very little staff. The hotel is not so big, so it must be the reason for having understaffed. But anyway I felt good; I had a nice time with the family of my girlfriend. . Puerto Ricans have similar characteristics in our physical and we can recognize if you're from Puerto Rico. For this reason the treatment of us will be different, because the staff recognizes if you are from Puerto Rico. But then came a group of US tourist, and to them was provided a tour guide who took them and gave him walk through all areas of the hotel. They did not do that. It can be concluded that it was for the reason that I was only going to go to the pool and the family of my girlfriends was already in the hotel and knew the area, however, the other tourists had no family and did not recognize any part of hotel. For this reason, I can deduce that if I had gone alone to the hotel they had given me the same treatment as other tourists. I had been guided by all the facilities and guided me about the hotel and tourist areas near it.


  1. You are saying that in the hotel you went you were treated as a local and not given special treatment or attention. The group of tourists did get special attention, so this means in this particular place tourists are treated better than locals.

  2. By reading this I thought that the locals should have the same benefits as locals. Your group should have been offered that same touristic options as obvious tourists.

  3. Were you able to speak in English and did you try to pass as a tourist? I'm very curious about your encounter because you were a bit lost in the parking lot and felt the way a tourist does. Of course you had your own guides with your group, but I wonder if the hotel staff treats locals differently, too? Were they kind to your party of friends?



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