Monday, April 25, 2016


Resultado de imagen para vietnam war with united states

Is incredible how the nations of different side of the world use the war to be potent in economic, social and political status. The war took away more than two millions lives, in where many of them were civilians. Many people were wounded and a hundred of children were left orphans. Also hectares of forest was destroyed. The herbicides used, has left a serious ecological and human impact on Vietnamese people’s lives. Today there are still many children in Vietnam growing up with various diseases and disabilities affected by the harmful chemicals carried out in the war. In summary the consequences of war were: people dye, children without parents, many people affected by the chemicals and many of the veterans suffered psychological after affects. All this happens to make a nations more potent. The government do not have consideration with people who facing this situation. The government just want money and power and do not care for the life of his country. In the chapter five, searching for forgiveness in Vietnam there is a lot of phrases that describes that the people of Vietnam forget that terrible situations. I think that exist a little percent of people who suffered in that war. The war pass out like 70 years ago. Today must be alive the children and grandchildren of those people who were in the war. Its strong carry out a life without a parents and the lack of his love, compassion and guide.  In the chapter the author said :“It was an enormous relief to know that Vietnam has survived our war and is thriving. It was reassuring to learn that life move on, and even when a country is bombed, defoliated, and destroyed, it can come back with great vigor. I was humbled by a people who have suffered so much and have chosen forgiveness over fury”. I think the time is the cure for everything. It's like when two people are in love and break their relationship. At first it will be strong for both because they think they cannot live without the other person. But then over time you can recognize that it was only a life experience and and had the opportunity to experiment new things.  And when they experience new things replace the tormenting memories. Also with that terrible event, the people who live there would’nt want to experiment a similar experience again. I think they just do not want remember that situations. They just want continues his life and forget the pass. It’s hard to do this, but they do not have other options. Because if they use the revenge , another war coming.  

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