Monday, May 9, 2016

Happiness is a Number


I found very interesting the chapter Netherlands about the happiness. As the chapter says, happiness cannot be measured. I really liked all research related to happiness: the stress, sex, stimulate the mind, comparisons with other countries among others. In my opinion happiness it is relative. For example: I can be on the beach and for me that makes me happy. But another person can be on the same beach than I and that does not cause happiness to her or him. For this reason I believe that happiness is built by ourselves. We built it with our attitudes, our thoughts, our desire and our behaviors.
 In chapter mentions the following: want to experience unhappiness, or at Least leave open the Possibility of unhappiness, in order to truly appreciate happiness”. I am totally agree with this statement. There is no human on earth who can be happy all days. . That's impossible. Live happy a lifetime is a utopia. When we live unhappy moments we see all those moments of happiness that we leave everywhere, for this reason, after living a moment of unhappiness, we will cling to find the path to happiness. I think that happiness and unhappiness are part of each of us. It's interesting because with unhappiness we learn to seek happiness and with happiness do not seek unhappiness but sometimes happiness is such that makes us unhappy.
As I mentioned according to chapter there are some countries more happier than other. But that's a cultural thing. In Netherlands is legal prostitution, drugs and cycling. The author of the chapter said: If I Moved to Holland, you'd probably find me a few months later, engulfed in a cloud of Moroccan hash, a hooker under each arm. That means, the country can give you happiness, but it does not suit you as a person. He prefer to be at home and be happy with the things he has. This brings me to analyze the following:We humans got used to our culture and our values. We can find happiness in different places and in different ways, but happiness that is in another place or country does not mean it will have the same meaning to a person of a different country. Happiness is not a destination, is a state of Being. 


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