Monday, May 9, 2016

Blog Activity

Mostrando 2016-05-09_11.26.12.jpg

My experience in the blog was a new one. In this class is where I made a blog for first time. I had to looking for in YouTube for the instructions to make one. I think that the way of creation of this was difficult. But after all, I can do it.  Fist seem curious to me in the first entries that we put our personal information, the objective of the blog and how we will run this. This blow activity is a creative way of teaching.  Each student has a purpose in their journeys and a different trajectory to follow. Every day we open new ways and we learn new thing. This blog journey is our book of life.
Each student’s blog is characterized by his theme. My topic is my adventure in Puerto Rico. I don’t write all my experiences, just some of them.  I wrote about the some of the best places of Puerto Rico. There is beaches, national forest, our customs and many other. Apart of this this blog is guide by our teacher class. We discuss a lot of lectures and we analyzed it. We wrote our personal thinking and our opinions about the lectures.
Finally this blog is an educational one. It talk about us, our feeling, our thinking, our cultures and opinions. We develop a way of learning by this exercise.


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